Monday, September 18, 2006

Magic Muffins and Math

This afternoon, the new kid in the guild was chatting on the guild chat. Mostly I wasn't "listening" but then a snippet caught my eye.

"I just realized I can make 400 muffins an hour and if I sold them for 1 copper each, I could make 40 silver in 10 minutes."

One of our senior guild mates engaged him in chat to discover what these muffins were (magic muffins, which made me remember the muffins bit in the Illegal Danish movie, which made no sense at the time). I gather this is a cooking thing or alchemy or something.

After a few minutes, he posted again in guild chat, and you just know he had been calculating this answer in the space between his remarks:

"I could make 2.4 gold an hour."

Finally a real word problem worth solving, eh?

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