Monday, December 17, 2007

See It Again, For the First Time

When we (the Pepperdine gang) noticed that TrN didn't have much CC, I decided then and there I'd level a hunter quickly. And it WAS very quick, too. Tynaqua is already a 62. Now...Akmalla's long and lovely post inspires my reply here, about Tynaqua. As we all know, I already have made a level 70 Allie toon, Saami. She's good. Got her Gyro-balanced khorium gun and her bad MM spec. Weell, not quite. She's a BM spec now... because of Tynaqua.

You see Akie, you really can continue to make fun discoveries as you play or even replay. When I was leveling Tynaqua, I did all the usual quests. In fact, I started in the Barrens cause I know those quests by heart. But I also know a lot more about the game now. I paid attention to reputation. I had the hunterhinter addon to help me hone my pets' skills. Also, because I knew I wasn't going to be doing many, if any, instances, I sought out quests where I had not really ever quested much before, for instance in Winterspring, Azshara, and the dreaded Silithus. Because I wanted to make the experience fun even though it was an experiment in cloning essentially, I decided to take the Big Red Kitty blog seriously, and spec Beast Mastery. (I won't rant about how cool BM is in this post. Suffice to say I went back and respecc'd Saami to BM).

I have learned to pull. Not not to shoot the guy we want so he comes running to us, but to PULL a selected target out of a crowd and make it go stand where I want it to stand. I have learned to ping pong trap and use DOT meters to time trap cooldowns (well, Hallgrima got me going on that but it's a great tool for everyone). I have learned to organize my pet's attacks, to calculate my shots so I don't step on auto-shot. These are things I didn't even know existed when I was playing my LEVEL 70 hunter. And, because people who play WoW more than 10 hours a week, like us, are really more like hobbiests, I enjoyed each and every new discovery AND the work of mastering it.

For me, it's not boring yet.

Let me also add that working out dungeon puzzles, such as the Shade of Aran, is also hella fun. (No, we still wipe on that, btw.)

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