Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Most of us have, at times, had unpleasant pangs of remorse while killing the hundreds of animals required of us by the Nesingwary quest lines: first in Azeroth, later in Outlands. We all expected him to make an appearance in Northrend, and he has. However, perhaps sensing our anger at the slaughter of panthers, tigers, and talbuk and more, Blizz now brings us D.E.H.T.A., or Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals. It is a quest series that involves an outright war on Nesingwary and his killing and looting fiends. This picture is from one quest in which you put down faux fur to lure the looter, then kill him with his own trap. Nice, eh? (Notice his last line and the fact that his bloodied body has no head.)

I have suggested to Blizz that we get some enduring mark of our commitment to save animals, a badge, a title, a doodad for our mount, a tabard, something. And, I have suggested there be some rep. In fact, there could be a daily quest chain that involves going back to Outland or Azeroth to help save animals there. Anyhow, thought this was cool.

Along the same lines, I had to offer feedback to Blizz about a quest on behalf of the "good" murlocs we're now friends with, in which I am to slaughter orcas. As if that weren't bad enough (wouldn't we all feel better slaughtering giant squid or something), the orcas sing... yes they sing the whale songs as you slaughter them. THat was really, really, unpleasant and I let Blizz know that.

Anyhow, this is PETA moment is offered to show you how the game has acquired more depth, imho, beyond slash and kill, and outside the official lore. More to follow.

PS - Ding. Fortknight is now 71. Hellgrimma's inscription lvl is now 300.

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