Tuesday, September 07, 2010

It Has Begun

And so it begins. Yes, the expansion isn't until November, but as always, there are events leading up to it.  Today, Alliance and Horde got to help their lil' buddies get take back their homes.

On the Horde side you help Vol'Jin take back the Echo Isles. You got a nice trinket that turns you into a troll, and you pretty cloak. And... well... it sure was fun. That's a group of us REAL people players helping Vol'Jin in his battle on the island.

The Allie version is, of course, all about Gnomeregan. It is less fun that the Horde version, imho. You get a similar trinket and cape. This is Naturegrrl. She's not high enough to do the whole event, but she could at least get through enough of it to get the trinket. She is on her night elf tiger mount as a gnome, with a helmet, of course.

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