Monday, February 05, 2007

The Week of Playing Dangerously . . .

Ding, for 68!

Driving to the home of my professor/mentor/friend/comrade-in-arms and on the phone to my dear mother, she says, “You need to get out and socialize.” I try to explain, but I cannot. How can you? I'm on my way to spend an evening with four people [Hall', Twink', Clive' and Aka'] who I have spent more time with virtually than actually. How do I explain my week started with Twink' visiting me and sitting next to me for over 10 hours with us both staring into the panes of our respective laptops where we stood side-by-side? How can I explain my week ended with hours at Hall's house with us all of us sitting in the same room, but standing in Black Rock Depths?

I have consumed the content of Hell', the Marsh, and the Forest. From the moment I walked through the Dark Portal to now, I have swapped out all my gear and added 8 levels of skill. I have run three separate instances multiple times. I've watched relationship turn upside down and been strengthened. With all of it has come more and more responsibility to those who have not.

Tonight, Felison asked me for help. I said, as a joke, “I preferred it when you babysat me.” His response was quick and quite honest, I believe, “So did I”. More than anyone, Feli' taught me how to be a Warrior. As I worked with Aka', what I mostly taught was what Feli' had taught me. Yet, here I am . . . mentoring my mentor. And every “Thanks!!!!” he gives me I scan for sarcasm . . .yet, I don't think there is any.

Driving from Hall's to Twink's hotel, we are discussing how pervasive WOW is in our lives. Did I mention it is 1am? My phone rings. It is Fell' calling to ask me where to find something in Nagrand. And I know what he is talking about and direct him accordingly. When I get home . .. did I mention it is 2am? . .. he hasn't gotten there yet. So, I adventure with him and get him the chest buff. Then . . . did I mention it is 3am? . . . the east coasters start to log in and next thing I know I am in a new instance. Pervasive? Hellfire and damnation, maybe obsessive!

Backing up a couple hours . . . I walk into Hall's and do the meet and greet. Clive' and I do the stutter handshake/hug that guys do these days. Not sure how intimate to be. Dammit, I should have hugged the man! I have fought and died with him enough times, yet I spoke with him more that night than in all the times I've met him. My affections for these folks run deeper than I like to admit. Clive', Hall', Aka' and Twink' bring me nothing but joy . . . wiping the enemies or them wiping us . . . I'm happy enough to kill or die with my people.

Before this turns to mush and slither, let me reveal, there is a point. My virtual relationship mean something to me. They might mean more to me than my actual relationships. I've known DoubleE longer than any of those listed above . . . at least three years. I've known Twink' for over a year. Yet, Eric? I've only met him a handful of times.

I've known LindaX for a couple years now. The first time I met her was in newsgroups. We spared. Unlike most of my professors, she was quick and witty and willing and wielded her writing instrument well. I've met her meat puppet a number of times . . . and . . . well . . . she can intimidate or irritate me. She is the master of mysteries that . . . well . . . remain mysteries to me. Yet, Hallgrima and Saami are my comrades-in-arms and not for a single moment have I ever felt other than a espirit de corps with them [her].

I'm level 68 now. I have consumed the content of three new lands. My friends . . . who I look to guide me... look to me to guide them. I've lead my first three instances . . . and I HATE leading. I get requests for this and that and to go here and there . . . and . . . yet . . dammit . . O.K. . . . I'll be honest . . . I love it! Questing from question marks doesn't compel me . . . instead, guiding guiladies and guildudes does. My people . . . Hall', Twink, Clive', Aka', Owl, Feli', Nemi'kins, Bany'kins, Cy', and . . . so many more . . . are who and what matters to me.

I don't know Eric and LindaX near as well as Twink' and Hallgrima. I sometimes think I don't know James as well as ViaMedia. What does that mean? And . . . am I the only one who thinks and feels this way?

1 comment:

  1. yeah, I feel mostly the same way. I *do* also like questing, but then, I like Sudokus too.

    Could this happen if we all played bridge together?

