Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Waiting for Godot, or the Battleground Experience

I'm a level 47 now. I have trouble realizing what that means sometimes, and then I do something like run Stockades with just one other player, in this case, James (yep, he's baaaa-aaack). I thought of the experience as nice wool drops.

Anyhow, I finally worked up the nerve to try battlegrounds. I mean, Sarah, er Akmalla, was already a private at level 20. So I talked with Beowolf about it and he convinced me to try. Twice we lined up in the queue for Warsong Gulch in Stormwind Keep. Btw, I have discovered that other BGs are accessible there in that rotunda area in the keep. Tonight, James (I don't want to spoil his suprise by telling you his name etc), Beowolf, and I waited for about an hour before I called it quits.

I think the trick is to go sign up right when you first log on, then go about your business and see if they call your party. From the description of the BG experience, I am thinking this may be more like James's experience with Planetside and other team vs team MMOGs.

I have figured out that if I make clothing (tailoring) and then enchant the clothing (enchanting) and then sell the clothing... I can level up my profs and make money, in one fell swoop of production. I know. I know. DUH! Btw, I can sell the clothing in the AH instead of to vendors, because of the value added by enchantment. Ah, life is good.

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