Monday, October 16, 2006


So I drank a little tonight, and whilst on the long gryphon flight from Auberdine to Silithus, the beast within emerged, showing hunger... I listened to my thirst for nutrition, and moved into position.

I came in upwind..scanning the common food prey that frequented this area. I peered quietly into the cabinets to see my options of kill. The oatmeal, too risky as it takes too long to ensnare. The chips looked malnourished, and weren't to my liking. The crackers, again, weren't tantamount to the needs of the nutrition receptacle.

I searched on..

The jar of pickles looked like steak to an interest. The box of cheesy scalloped potatoes were not aligned with the quickness of need, which my hunger indicator professed.

Ahh..I see you.

*lowers, pulling against the stove, to keep my presence unknown*

Alone..helpless..unaware.. A box of Basic 4 cereal..captivated by the vision of a girl walking in the rain..holding her umbrella tightly..spilling too much salt to be unnoticed by its carrier..stared on in amazement of the carelessness... how fitting.

It had no chance....


Top of the food chain at its fucking finest.

I lashed out, quick as a black mamba, and stole away the unsuspecting cardboard embodiment of the grain, nut and fruit victim, like a thief in a jewelry store.

I tore into it like Christmas was five days late. Spilled it's battle won contents into a primitive, plastic bowl. Doused it with milk I had bartered from this "walmart" lad earlier that day, and shoveled it's daily allowance of whole wheat victory into my awaiting, highly developed, devouring device.

No attention to its cries..I was unaffected by its drowning gasps for oxygen and help. Again, it had no chance this eve.

After I was done with the body of the hunt, I held its milky remains high..and let it pour down my body to revel in the kill....more like I drank the milk and rinsed out the bowl in the sink.. But nontheless!! I savored my trophy.

You'd think my craving for sustenance was quenched..not whatsoever, as I was unsure to when I would see my next available prey.

I could hear the helpless cry of four, unattended cookies. In their dire need of protection from their mother/baker, they gave their trademark, toll-house distress yelp. They resorted to cowering under the ill-advised safety of instant, unreactive and dehydrated rice. Desperate, they were detected giving the sound cues of utter abandonment. I'm assuming someone already devoured the parents under a similiar situaion.

None of my concern..I crouched..crept..and slithered my way into position in for the pounce.

Another resourceful night lived on the grocery hunting plains.


  1. LOL. Dude, btdt (been there; done that). You need a better supply of fine nuke-ables (as we call them in our house). Although, after watching the South Park episode I can't eat Hot Pockets without great fear of becoming.. you know.. that gross dude).

    I have been known to order from Pizza Hut on the Internet whilst in the middle of a run...embarrassing to admit as a mommy.

    So how was the core last night?

  2. I reread this.

    I love cereal. Like jello, there's always room for it. Like orange juice, it isn't just for breakfast anymore. Cereal...basically a load of carbs pretending to be good for you. mmmmmmm. with milk.

    gotta have milk.

    got milk, feli?
