Monday, October 16, 2006

I am Meesiah!

I know I'm behind on my posting all over the place, but this'll have to do as a stopgap

Meesiah was a toon I encountered when I first went into BGs with DruidiaJane. An undead priest, she was just impossible to stop. It was freakish - she'd be in the game, and bam - Horde wins. Killing her was near to impossible, and when she ran with her guildies from Zeiram - game over.

I have become Meesiah.

Well, maybe not really, but today, as a break from work and building printed schedules and other assorted b.s., I logged into Shadowpeeg to take a run in Warsong, and it happened. Alliance went down 1-0, and it happened fast - so fast I wondered if they were using a speed hack, and then I kicked it in gear. I got across the mid, and into the tunnel untouched. No boots, but into the flag room, and grabbed the flag. Nice, but not wildly unusual. Popped a speed pot, bubbled, renewed myself, ran the tunnel, feared the pursuit, renewed, bubbled, boots weren't up but I cappped. A good run. 1-1.

Waiting a moment, it suddenly became clear to me how the next flag was going to go down. Horde had a huge zerg incoming, and so I paused for just long enough - about 15 seconds, before heading out over the gy. Midfield was completely clear, but to make it take just a little longer, I ran ramp, and sure enough, some Alliance player grabbed the Horde flag and made a dash for it. I could see them start to take damage right away, even as I headed for the horde balcony, and knew they were toasted nubcakes. Flag returned just as I dropped into the flag room. Bubbled, renewed, grabbed the flag and headed out the tunnel.

Met the defenders coming back up the tunnel, feared, renewed, and dropped the speed pot to get out into the midfield. Passed the Horde FC and they made the mistake of turning toward me, just as all of the Alliance GY emptied out. They pounced on the Horde FC, I bubbled, desperate prayer, renewed and dispelled like mad into the tunnel - boots were up, and I capped. 2-1.

It was one of those rare moments, quite frankly, where text told more than it normally does. "damn good job" came a tell, and another whispered "now let's win". The shift of momentum was palpable. I renewed, and I headed out over the gy.

I could see there were two players ahead of me, and I knew that I'd gone tunnel both times, so I typed "grab their flag and go ramp". Sure enough, I met our FC mid ramp, bubbled him and got him through the midfield scrum and up the tunnel. He was a twinked rogue, and when we reached the flag room (ours was gone, of course), he /say'd "passing to you shadow, I'll go kill". We passed, I bubbled and went to the balcony. I watched as the retrieval crew headed out to midfield, then shifted to our GY tents. Ten or 15 seconds later, the retrieval was into their base, and just seconds after that, one of them said "cap" even though the return hadn't happened. I knew enough about that rogue, however, just in the 10 minutes we'd played together, to know that he was going to finish the job, and I dropped a speed pot and headed to the flag room

The flag reappeared just as I was three yards from the cap. 3-1, and +200 rep for the game (!). I swear I heard 10 Horde players yelling "Shiiiit! Damn that Shadowpeeg! Fuck!" as the scoreboard came up.

I am Meesiah.

And damn, it feels good.

1 comment:

  1. That is masterful, dude. I bow in awe and respect. The two times I've capped the flag it's been after much frustration at being pwnd in midfield. I just waited, as you did, till the action shifted outdoors, then grabbed the flag and took off. Took a speed pot to get a lead on the few chasing me, used my native ability ESCAPE to free myself of de-speeding buffs, and made it out. For me it was luck.

    I think you are on to something though adn I want to get to play with you. I have just had too much to do and can't find space to play... =blah=

    But your performance, priest worthy my man, priest worthy.
