Monday, March 26, 2007

Primus Inter Pares

What follows is not defensive in the slightest. To tell the truth, I crave more discussion and feedback when it comes to both running instances and the leadership within them. Further, I agree with the majority of your comments and what I don’t agree with I see as a matter of differing perspective and responsibility of roles.

Personally, I’ve always been very uncomfortable “leading” instances. As I have joked, but meant, there are only two people who regularly get blamed when things go bad - the tank and the leader. When you are both you are screwed. My thoughts of late have been that of every class in the higher instance, the two you must have are the main tank and the main healer and I do not think it is most practical for either to be leading. Those roles are the most clearly defined and demanding in combat.

You used golf. . . I’ll use boxing: “Styles make fights”. This basically means that no two fights are ever the same because no two fighters are ever the same. There are not only nine classes, but three trees for each and a huge amount of hybrids. Then there are an infinite number of personalities driving each. For me, the “leaders” jorb is to mark them up and outline a strategy and accept any an all inputs.

“Via was considerably less specific, mostly warning us about what lay ahead or what HIS approach was gonna be, and then wanted us to just riff off him, i.e., do our thing like a jazz improv. Now that works when everyone knows what to expect of each other.”

As you so rightly pointed out, my instance leadership approach is more improve. Between Twink and I, he is [and always has been in my opinion] the far more capable, authoritative and knowledgeable leader. I think he is more comfortable in the authoritative position [or maybe he is just less comfortable out of it . . . he can hopefully comment on that].

I was inspired by the run yesterday to do some reading up on Warlocks. They are a troubling class for me to lead. And for all of the above . . . and for all the knowledge I gained from the run yesterday . . . and for everything Hall’ wrote below . . . I’m still not sure what to do with the warlock, but I’m working on it. Add to that that Hallgrima is still leveling. I was truly shocked how she seems to have overnight become scary powerful. She’s not the lil’ gnome I grew up with anymore.

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